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Essay Topics For High School Students

Choosing essay topics for high school can be an interesting challenge for students and their parents. Persuasive essay topics, at times also called argumentative essays, are among the toughest assignments handed out in English courses everywhere. In middle school, to high school and beyond, English instructors all over the world enjoy to give their students practical experience writing convincingly on various topics. However, while writing an essay, students will be faced with much more than a challenging topic.

Choosing essay topics for high school

At first glance, it may seem that essay topics for high school could be easy. After all, who doesn't know how to write an essay? After all, every student has their own preferred style and the "flawless" format they prefer, so what's the big deal? Actually, there are some topics for high school that students need to pay attention to if they want to do well in their standardized tests and in college as well.

Science is one such area where many students show an interest. Perhaps it is because science topics tend to be extremely good essay topics because they offer plenty of solid information and logic supporting a point. For example, let's say students choose to write an essay about the best science books of the year. They might discuss, amongst other things, which books cover each of the sub branches of science. Or they might look at the relationships between different science sub branches and look at some of the major theories and results that support each one. Writing about these topics is a great way for students to learn the different methods and facts used by scientists, as well as how these results and methods are reflected in different books and articles.

Argumentative essay writing

Argumentative essay writing topics are another area where students get plenty of opportunity to learn their opinion and express their views on a variety of topics. Students can express their opinions on politics, religion, social issues, global warming, immigration, crime, drugs, animals, and much more. The topics are endless. And when students learn to write effectively and logically, they are able to put these differing views on a paper and use both sides of the argument to prove their own point.

Writing skills

Verbal essay writing is another area where students get an opportunity to improve their writing skills. It is in essay writing where a student can learn how to properly express their thoughts and feelings to readers. Learning how to properly express oneself can help a student to better stand up for themselves in class, and it is a necessary skill that every student should learn regardless of what subject they choose to major in. Fortunately, learning how to do this is an easy task since teachers never have an issue with allowing students to write essays during their course of study.

There are also essay topics concerning social media. These days, it is important for students to engage in discussions with other students online as well as within their peer groups. By taking the time to learn about the different social media platforms, students will be able to determine which ones to follow and use. This way, they may be able to come up with an engaging argument while using all of the tools at their disposal. Also, students will learn how to properly deal with controversial issues, such as the recent tragedies at school, online harassment, bullying, and many more.

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The topics of today's generation are becoming more complex. It is important for students to know how to approach each essay topic and learn how to present their argument in a way that is compelling, grammatically correct, and extremely well written. For this reason, a good essay topic is always required for any type of essay that the high school student may be assigned. Fortunately, most teachers are already knowledgeable about the different kinds of essay topics that can be used in the classroom. Whether it is a debate topic, essay topic, research topic, or any other kind of essay, good essay topics are easy to find.

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The process of finding a good essay topic is relatively simple. The first thing to do is to ask oneself: what are my reasons for writing this? After answering this question, the rest is easy. With the topic at hand, all one has to do is follow the steps above to create a fresh, interesting, and persuasive argument that will get a high mark from his or her peers and have them vote it up or down.

Further Reading

Personnel Management in the Public Sector

Dealing with people in public administration and government jobs requires an understanding of the unique rules that govern the public sector.

Public administration and government jobs

Personnel staff exist to serve line management; this is their primary function. An organization’s employees are collectively termed “personnel.” In the past, personnel administration was not considered a professional occupation; however, in recent years the increasing complexity of the public sector has led to the reclassification of personnel management and administration as a professional job. The primary issue in the organizing of public personnel administration is how to reach several conflicting goals simultaneously, such as recognizing merit, providing strong leadership, ensuring accountability, providing for managerial flexibility, and ensuring proper representation. It is the job of personnel management to see that these disparate goals are met in the best possible manner using the resources—in this case, the people—available.

Methods to find workers for public sector jobs

Personnel managers use several different methods to find workers for public sector jobs. One method is recruitment, which posts job openings with the aim of encouraging those qualified to apply for the position. This is designed to produce a pool of qualified applicants, from which the best person for the job can be selected. Another method, perhaps the oldest in public administration, is selection. Candidates for selection are given civil service examinations, which are designed to test the “practical” skills and qualifications of each applicant. The Supreme Court has been adamant in stating that these examinations “must measure the person for the job and not the person in the abstract.” Civil service examinations must now be able to predict how well an applicant will perform a certain job.

Civil service jobs

Next, all public personnel positions are subject to position classification, which organizes all civil service jobs within a hierarchy, which allows managers to effectively—at least in theory—delegate responsibilities, establish a chain of command, and work out appropriate pay scales. However, due to changes in the labor force, these classifications are becoming increasingly outdated. Also, workers in the public sector may be subjected to performance appraisal, which is formal documentation by the organization of how well employees do their jobs. While performance appraisals are used for several purposes, the person studying them must always consider the weaknesses of the appraisal. For instance, often a performance appraisal will say more about the manager doing the evaluation than about the worker being evaluated. Furthermore, very few employees receive poor evaluations. Because managers don’t get punished for the mistakes of workers and don’t get rewarded for rooting out poor workers, they have very little incentive to “rock the boat” by handing out poor evaluations.

Training is also an important part of personnel management, though it has often been overlooked in U.S. governmental history. Often, training is the first thing to go when budgets get tight, since the examinations covered by the same budget are mandatory, whereas training for employees is not. Training, like employee performance, is also subject to evaluation and feedback; no one can tell how successful a training program is without using some evaluative measures to study its results. Next, combining training with selection creates what is known as management development, which is the process of giving managers the added skills necessary to help the organization grow. Selection becomes a part of management development when managers are scrutinized in order to determine their effectiveness on the job and their suitability for further management development training.

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Civil Service Reform Act

Though the topic is little discussed, the abuse of civil service merit systems for personal, private, administrative and partisan ends is common in the public sector. Although some employees are chosen on the basis of merit, others enter the system through patronage—by having “friends in high places”—or by other means. Both the formal merit and the informal patronage systems are results of the civil service reform movement, which began with the Pendleton Act of 1883. The Pendleton Act created the U.S. Civil Service Commission, and provided the framework that the civil service system is still based upon today. After the Pendleton Act was adopted, state and local governments began to implement reforms of their own. These reforms have been more successful in image than in substance at times, however; for instance, Chicago appears to have a stellar merit-based system, but is actually notorious for its use of patronage. While the Pendleton Act and similar reforms began cleaning up the “netherworld” of civil service, they didn’t go far enough, which is what led Jimmy Carter to propose a series of civil service reforms, which became the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978. The largest effect of the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 was to split the U.S. Civil Service Commission into two agencies: the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), and the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB). The OPM in particular was touted as a new agency with a “clean slate,” freed from the patronage and corruptions of the past, though this was less a reality than an image.

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Patronage, the power of officials to appoint certain people to lower offices in order to reward political and other support, is more commonly known as the “spoils system.” Every change in administration produces a change in the workers in particular patronage jobs, particularly those listed in “the Plum Book,” which is basically a book listing all the jobs the president can fill with whomever he chooses. Patronage, both at the presidential and at lower levels, is the way in which those in power maintain their position, by filling their ranks with those loyal to them. It is also a means of maintaining the values of a society; for example, the United States has a long history of giving preference to veterans in public sector jobs, particularly to disabled veterans. This history was protected by a Supreme Court ruling, Personnel Administrator of Massachusetts v. Feeney, which stated that veterans’ patronage benefits were not a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment.


Compiling the Perfect Job Application

Preparing for a job does not need to be stressful when a C.V., resume, portfolio and cover letter are in proper order.
When applying for a job, the applicant's aim should always be to present a perfect job application. What this means is that the application should get the immediate attention of a prospective employer by reflecting the applicant's credentials, skills and experience; it should put the applicant ahead of other candidates applying for the same job. There are, essentially, three parts to compiling the perfect job application.

Deliver What the Prospective Employer Wants

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Before going any further, a jobseeker must know whether a prospective employer wants a Curriculum Vitae (C.V.) or a résumé.

In a C.V., the applicant will provide a complete list of data about himself. The C.V. is more commonly used in the United Kingdom and for seeking positions in educational institutions. A standard C.V. might contain some of the following information:

  • A personal profile – this is factual information such as the applicant's name, address, telephone number and email. Today, because of anti-discrimination laws, employers are reluctant to ask for a person’s gender; nevertheless, when an applicant gives this information willingly, prospective employers appreciate it.
  • A reverse chronological list of the applicant's work experience – an applicant should account for his entire career history. This means describing his contribution towards the concept and planning of projects he undertook. It also includes the roles he played and what he achieved in previous jobs.
  • A reverse chronological list of his education and training – include all academic qualifications, professional licenses, certification and memberships; in addition, list down any awards, bursaries or scholarships the applicant may have received.
  • A reverse chronological list of any relevant material the applicant may have published.
  • A list of hobbies and interests – though optional, include only ones that are relevant. For example, when applying for a job as a translator, the fact that the applicant liked to travel to practice his language skills will be relevant. The fact that he likes to knit, however, won’t be of interest.
  • A résumé is more commonly used in the United States and Canada. A résumé has a "free-from organised style used for seeking employment in the private sector." What this means is that an applicant may begin with a statement about a personal goal; this will be followed by a list of his most significant accomplishments. A résumé tends to be targeted for a specific prospective employer and it may not represent an applicant's complete history. Naturally, a résumé tends to be much shorter in length than a C.V.

An easy way to ensure that that an applicant is on the right track when preparing a résumé, is to ask the following question: “Would my prospective employer be looking for this kind of qualification or skill?” The applicant's answer should show a prospective employer that the applicant's qualifications, skills and background information make him the best person for the job.

Whether or not a job seeker is preparing a C.V. or résumé, there is one universal truth: he must be honest. Do not create false credentials or skills that cannot be backed up when asked to do so.

Firther Reading

Nowadays, it is now quite common for prospective employers to accept applications for jobs electronically. Though the basic points highlighted above remain, the applicant may need to modify a few details of his job application when applying via the internet. For instance, a prospective employer may insist that the applicant submit his form in a specific file format such as Microsoft Word, PDF or even HTML. Take note that when using the latter two formats, the applicant's contact details may be made available to a lot of people. As such, the email address the applicant provides may expose him to the threat of receiving spam.

Compiling the Portfolio

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This includes presenting samples of previous work to a prospective employer. It is especially important in jobs which require "creative input" such as writing, computer programming, fashion and design. These samples allow a prospective employer to analyse and determine whether the applicant's skills and talents are what he or she is looking for. Keep the following tips in mind when preparing a portfolio:

Submit best or favourite samples of work.

If applying for a job in a rival company, the applicant may be prohibited from including work that he has done for the present company. In such a situation, the applicant should create something new that he would like to expand on in the new place of employment.

Do not submit irrelevant samples such as copies of poems composed when seeking a job in a fashion house.

Prepare a Proper Cover Letter

A cover letter is never longer than a single page. It is an introduction to who the applicant is, why he is applying for the job and why he thinks he's the best person for the job. Here are a few tips to make covering letter effective:

  1. Use formal, white paper.
  2. Use normal font such as Times New Roman (size 12) or Arial (size 10).
  3. Highlight the most relevant qualification or experience for this job and invite the prospective employer to look at the applicant's C.V. or résumé.
  4. Be direct, precise and concise.

If all of the above have been done, the applicant will know that he has done his very best to apply for the job. At the very least, when the applicant receives that telephone call offering him the job or calling him for an interview, he will have that inner confidence knowing that he has compiled a perfect job application. With a little bit of luck, the job he seeks will be his.


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What is Copywriting?

Can any Freelance Writer Learn to Become a Copywriter?

Professional copywriting skills are in demand and copy writing jobs are among the highest paid for freelance writers, so what does it take to become a copy writer?
Copywriters write “copy” or material which is commissioned by someone to perform a specific purpose, e.g.

  • Scripts for advertisements
  • Material for promotional brochures
  • Public relations material such as press releases
  • Marketing material of all sorts

The skills required are the same as for general freelance writing: a good command of the English language and the ability to communicate ideas and messages well.

In addition a copy writer requires a exceptional creative flair and the ability to work within extremely restricted word counts. They also need to have a knowledge of marketing methods and have the ingenuity to incorporate marketing techniques into their writing.

Copywriting is a craft, and there is much that has to be learned.

Writers who are hoping for copywriting careers can find many copywriting courses available online. A copywriting course can help by teaching the marketing knowledge and skills people which people with natural talent can combine with their writing ability to meet the very specific requirements of copy writing.

Compelling, Eye-Catching, Irresistible!

The first thing that people considering copywriting careers have to learn is the skill of writing headlines. Novelists often say that finding the right title, is more difficult that writing an entire 100,000-word novel. The copywriter is always facing the challenge of communicating with the fewest number of words, and the headline is where everything starts.

Catching the Audience and Keeping Them

Once a copywriter has mastered the art of grabbing the reader with a compelling, eye-catching and irresistible headline, the next task is to keep them and get the message across without boring or losing them. Whether it is copy for an advertisement, a press release, a web landing page, or a newsletter, the copywriter’s job is to hold on to the reader and make it impossible for them to go.


Engaging the Audience

Making a reader stay until the end requires the ability to intrigue, entertain, and offer something that the reader is looking for and cannot resist. Copywriting requires clever structure that is constantly moving onward and upward. If the headline was compelling and irresistible, the parts which follow have not only to live up to the promise, but to increase in intensity to take the reader step-by-step through to the end.

Persuading the Audience to Act!

The ultimate objective is to provoke the reader into action of some sort. A press release should be designed to make a journalist want to pick up the phone, do an interview and write an enormous feature article. A sales pitch should be designed to make people get out their credit cards and place an order immediately.

Professional Copywriting Requires a Professional Approach

Great copywriters are highly paid, but aiming to become a copywriter means being prepared to enter one of the toughest and most demanding areas of freelance writing.

Being ingenious, creative, eloquent, and clever are simply the pre-requisites; it’s then important to take the study of marketing seriously and add it to those natural abilities. After that, every copy writer must be able to work to strict deadlines and always deliver a great product.

Simple really!

Find out more about types of Freelance Writing:

How to Compare Essay Topics? Tips for College Students

Compare and contrast essay topics for college students. There are some considerations you must take into consideration when choosing the topic to write your essay. First, you must choose a topic which is interesting to you or at the very least something you're willing to research more about. If it is not interesting then it won't be worth your time or effort.

Essay Topics for College Students

It is important to look at disadvantages as well as advantages when doing a comparative essay. In order to write a custom essay you must first decide on the main points you want to express in your essay. Then you must find an essay topic which best displays those points. You will use the disadvantages and strengths to craft a custom essay, but understanding how the topics work will help in selecting the right one for you.ás-saludable-plátanos-fantasmas

Compare Essay Topics

When you compare and contrast essay topics for college students, make sure you look at the similarities between the two. Some similarities include information, facts, and figures. You should also look at any major differences between the two. For example, if the essay topics focus on differences in human rights, and economic systems, and life expectancy then they are most likely about human rights and economic systems. However, if the topics focus on similarities such as technology, automobiles, or sports there likely will not be any major differences between the two.

There are several factors you must consider when deciding what topics to write your essay on. First, you must compare and contrast essay topics for college students by researching the topics and writing a summary. Then you will compile a list of the top 15 topics you found with the most research. These topics are the ones you will compare and contrast.

Top 15 essay topics for college students

Second, use the list of your top 15 essay topics for college students to determine which ones you think are great topics to write your papers on. It is important to use different argumentative essay writing techniques for each of the main types of essay. For example, you may want to choose something that lies on the border between scientific and artistic expression. There are also argumentative essay writing styles that are very different than others.

Third, consider your examples of the different essay topics for college students and then write a summary of each of these topics. If you find that there are more similarities than differences between the topics, then you know that these topics are good to use. You should also consider the differences between the topics, and then compare the differences in your essay.

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When you have compiled your list of different topics for your essay, you will need to go through each one to compare and contrast each one. You may want to use one or two examples of each topic in order to get a feel for how each one is written. Then you can compare and contrast the differences and similarities between the topics and write your essay. You should also consider what is being discussed between the paragraphs in your essay as well as between the individual paragraphs. If you take some time to compare and contrast your essay with those that other students have written, you may find that yours is the one that catches the attention of the reader the most.

More Info

In order to compare and contrast essay topics for college students, it may be necessary for you to do research and write a number of different papers on the topics. By spending some time doing this research you will be able to choose the best topics to use when you write your essay. It is also important to keep in mind the tone of your essay and how you want the reader to feel about what you are saying. Following these steps will help you to choose among the many different topics available to use as a template for your essay.


How Can A Professional Paper Writer Help You?

How are Professional Paper Writers?

Experienced in Marketing, a professional paper writer can easily write well researched and deeply detailed papers for clients. Generally, experience in Marketing enables a professional paper writer to write well researched and deeply detailed papers and do graphic designing work too. Degree in Math and Computer Science makes an experienced professional willing to deliver the very best quality professional paper. In academic writing career, I have done more than 7000 different papers. Mostly, my projects are for Journal of Education, MLA (Reader's Digest), Chicago Style Magazine, Encyclopedia of American Education, Encyclopedia of Geography, Economics and Business, and Education in Harvard College.

My First Assignment

I write these professional papers as my first assignment. I believe that one should not start a project without first preparing a topic and researching the topic sufficiently. I believe that professional paper writers should first take the time to thoroughly research and prepare their assigned assignment before they start writing it. The topics of my academic studies are diverse and range from corporate management and leadership to cultural studies, anthropology, and education. I also think that professional paper writers who do not do any research at all will normally lack inspiration while writing their papers and will not be able to provide high quality content. This is the main reason why I strongly discourage students from undertaking research projects without any prior preparation.

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How to Become Professional Paper Writer

For students who want to become professional paper writers, I have prepared a number of sample essays and test papers which can help students understand the entire writing process. Students who want to be great writers will need help. This is where hiring a professional writer becomes important. Professional writers can help a student become a good writer. Since most students like writing essays and short stories, I have prepared samples on different topics ranging from essay writing to creative writing to report writing and research papers to narrative writing.

There are several advantages of hiring a professional essay writing service. Firstly, they will be able to give excellent advice. The best way to approach essay writing is by using proven techniques. It is impossible to write an excellent essay without practice or experience. Professional writers with years of experience in the field will be able to give valuable advice and tips on how to improve the quality of the essay.

Creative Thinking

Secondly, the custom writing service can improve the writer's creative thinking and enhance his/her use of language. Most writers spend long hours in the library reading books, magazines and newspapers. Although this may seem like fun, it does not help the writer to come up with fresh and new ideas. A professional paper professional can give helpful suggestions and insights that a non-expert writer might not be aware of.

Custom Writing Service

Thirdly, the custom writing service can help the writer to polish his creative writing skills. Most writers need help to keep practicing their craft. The more time and practice they put into it, the better they will become. However, if they do not get help from any professional paper writer, they will not develop their skills quickly. The writers can always learn from the mistakes made by another and be able to take useful lessons from them.

Choose an Online Paper Writer

Lastly, the custom writing service can help the professional paper writer to ensure a good deadline. A lot of times, deadlines are missed because of forgetfulness. Writing papers can sometimes be tedious work and it requires a lot of concentration. If the deadline is not met, the chances of success of the project are slim. This means that the writer does not get the desired results. To ensure a proper and successful paper writing service, the service provider needs to be very strict about their deadlines.

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It is very important to choose an online paper writer who has enough experience and expertise in writing quality academic essays. Most of the companies also have proofreading and editing services as well. This enables clients to be free from worry related to the quality of their essays. They do not have to worry about missing deadlines and poor performing assignments due to errors. The company they choose should also be able to meet the demands of their clients. So, it is advisable that the clients should check the background of the company they hire before making a decision.

Free Resources for Math Teachers

The U. S. Department of Education gives an online pathway to dozens of free resources for math teachers. Here is a sampling.

Resources for math teachers at various levels in the educational system are available through the website of the Department of Education. They are broken down in the following categories: algebra (23 sites), data analysis (27), geometry (16), measurements (17), number and operations (15) and other math teaching aids (57).

Further Reading

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Resources for Classroom Teaching

Here is a sampling of resources for lessons in the classroom:

  • The Journal of Online Mathematics and Its Applications offers not only articles, but also learning modules, “mathlets” and reviews of other online resources. (Made available by the Mathematical Association of America and the National Science Foundation)
  • MathTools offers hundreds of online tools, lesson plans and learning activities for teaching math in grades 2 and 7. (National Science Foundation)
  • Math Forum provides high-quality math education content . Its website features a problem of the week for students in grades 3-12, plus collections of math resources grouped by subject and grade level. (Drexel University and the National Science Foundation)
  • Seeing Math features a math curriculum, professional development for teachers and software interactive, which are available on the web and clarify key algebra concepts. (Concord Consortium, Department of Education)
  • The Physics Front provides selected resources for teachers of high school physics, including hundreds of lessons, as well as labs and other activities. (National Science Foundation)
  • Collected Learning Units in Mathematics provides more than 200 instructional units in arithmetic, algebra, calculus, data analysis, fractions, geometry, number theory, pre-algebra, pre-calculus, probability and statistics. (National Security Agency)

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Mathematics Activities for Students

Here are but a few of the resources for student activities and projects:

  1. Practical Uses of Math and Science offers more than 60 one-page examples of how science and math can be used in interesting settings and everyday life. They are useful to assign as reports for students to gather more information to share in the classroom. Topics include clouds (why they float), social security benefits (algebra) and natural selection and a scavenger hunt. (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)
  2. Ms. Lindquist: The Algebra Tutor is a place where students get extra help learning how to write algebra expressions for word problems. (National Science Foundation).
  3. Create a Graph helps students create their own graphs and charts. This online tool can be used to make bar graphs, line graphs, area graphs, pie charts and XY plots. (Department of Education)
  4. National Library of Virtual Manipulatives provides interactive online math lessons, activities and assessments. Topics include fractions, functions, geometric transformations, integer arithmetic, patterns and sequences.
  5. NCES Classroom invites students to create their own graphs, solve a math teaser, play a probability game or take an online quiz. (Department of Education)
  6. For Kids is the U. S. Treasury Department’s website for students. Children can learn about money, saving and investing, and the history of the Treasury. Tours are available.

Resources for Math Teachers

The Department of Education and other agencies offer numerous resources for teachers. They include;

  • InterMath is designed to help middle school teachers deepen their understanding of math concepts. More than 200 “recommended investigations” are offered for teachers to solve and then modify for use with students. They are presented in 13 units.
  • Teacher Workshops provides materials from 2007 summer teacher workshops sponsored by the U. S. Department of Education. It includes slides and handouts for teaching algebra, algorithms, computation, data collection, decimals and fractions, geometry, integers, linear equations and other mathematical functions.
  • Pedagogy in Action documents more than 25 techniques for teaching sciences to undergraduates. They include case-based learning, game-based learning, making and testing conjectures, peer review, quantitative writing, role playing, and using spreadsheets. Find more than 600 learning activities in math and the sciences.
  • How to Organize Your Teaching suggests ways to organize instruction to improve students’ ability to remember information, solve problems faster, understand abstract concepts and make use of what they have learned.

A One-stop Site for Teaching Resources

Need to learn more about factors and fractals, tessellations, platonic solids and geometric shapes? That information, plus all the above resources, is available through a single source. It is the mathematics page at the Department of Education’s “Free Federal Resources for Educational Excellence” section of its website.

A companion article lists free online at-home math resources for parents. They relate math to routine daily events and include fun ways to involve parents and students in exploring math topics.

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Fun Classroom Activities for Teaching Literature

When teaching literature in middle or high school, for the best results teachers should employ more creative methods than assigning essays or reports.

Teaching a novel is often difficult for many teachers, mainly because most students tend to lose interest the moment they’re told they have to read a book and then write a report or an essay on its literary aspects and/or merits. In fact, they are bored before they even begin. If teachers plan activities, however, designed to get students involved in the novel and bring its characters to life for them personally, that’s a different story entirely (pardon the pun), for students will then become engaged and active participants in their own education, as well as perhaps even have fun in the process.

The Importance of Teaching Literature to Students

According to Edward Proffitt, author of Reading & Writing About Literature (1990), “The truth of fiction is not the truth of history or of science, but the more personal truth of human feelings and disposition, communicated best when that substantial part of ourselves that understands primarily through the senses and the emotions is touched” (p. 31). In other words, we find in fiction what cannot be found in history and science: “an intimate sense of the inner lives of people, their deepest feelings, their conflicts and confusions, their most secret joys and fears” (Proffitt, p. 31).

This is why teachers need to find creative ways to teach literature. Otherwise, students will see literature as nothing more than pages in books filled with words that have no bearing upon their lives and fail to see the truth that only fiction reveals – the truth about themselves.

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The Role of Creativity in the Teaching of Literature

Director of the New York Center for Critical Thinking and Language Learning, Dr. John Chaffee maintains that since human beings have an almost unlimited capacity for creativity and their imaginations provide them with the ability to conceive of new possibilities and innovative ideas, the use of creative resources imparts a special meaning to learning activities.

For this reason, teachers need to develop lesson plans for the teaching of literature that allow students the opportunity to be creative in how they respond to literary works. Writing a report or an essay does not provide an outlet for creativity, so it’s no wonder that students moan and groan when they hear, “Write a two-page report” or “Write a 500-word essay.” In fact, if anything, such assignments stifle students’ creativity and, in so doing, help ensure that they will never learn the truth that only fiction reveals.

English Lesson Plans for Teaching Literature

Below are ten suggested group activities to get students engaged and interested in an assigned reading. Divide the class into groups, or let them choose their own group members, and then either assign an activity to each group or allow them to choose the activity they think they would most enjoy completing. Remember, if they enjoy it, students are far more apt to learn from an activity.


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  • Using Publisher or Adobe, create a newspaper for the setting of the novel (town, city, state, or general area), and write brief news and feature stories about the different characters and events. Also include appropriate advertisements and, of course, photos and/or other images.
  • Write a movie script, concentrating on one or two key scenes in the novel, and then create costumes for the characters, act out the scenes, and videotape the “movie” for presentation to the class.
  • Write a movie script, but change the novel’s setting to a different time (past or future) and place; for example, set Charles
  • Dickens Great Expectations in 2030, on Mars or even aboard a spaceship.
  • Develop a pilot for a TV sitcom based upon the characters. Write the script, concentrating on one or perhaps two key events, which may be modified for creative purposes, assign roles, and then film the pilot for presentation to the class. (Students could also present the show in a live performance.)
  • Create an advertising campaign to promote sale of the novel, including a poster for a bookstore, commercials for radio and television, and ads for a magazine and a newspaper advertisement. (Tchudi & Mitchell, 1989)
  • Design a board game based upon characters and key events in the novel. Include not only the board for playing but also rules and clear directions. (Tchudi & Mitchell, 1989)
  • Create a comic book based upon the novel, depicting major characters as superheroes and including key events from the storyline, albeit with a little creative license.
  • Develop a website that provides an overview of the novel, its characters, and key events.
  • Create a talk show with the novel’s main characters as guests. Interview the guests, asking them questions about their behavior and key events in the novel. Film the talk show for presentation to the class.
  • Design a book jacket for the novel. Include the title, author, publisher, date of publication, etc; a synopsis of the novel on the inside flap; and a photograph along with the author’s bio on the back of the jacket. (Tchudi & Mitchell, 1989)

In summary, the suggested activities above are but a few, for there are countless ways to incorporate creativity into the teaching of literature. In fact, you might have some ideas of your own. If so, then give them a try. The important thing is that you get away from the old notion that assigning book reports and essays is necessary in order to teach literature effectively. It isn’t, at least not if you want students to see the truth that only fiction reveals.

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Chaffee, J. Critical Thinking, Thoughtful Writing; Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 2002.

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